Local evaluation support
NDC evaluations

In the second phase of the NDC evaluation a small, flexible resource is available to support links between the national evaluation and NDC Partnerships and Government Offices. This resource will complement other forms of dedicated support available to Partnerships through GOs, NRAs and NDC networks and will normally be used to support events held within or across regions. Activities covered by the resource will include:
- Helping NDC evaluation staff to build up their skills;
- 'Validating' NDC evaluation outputs to help inform the national evaluation and other dissemination events eg renewal.net;
- Disseminating evidence arising from the national evaluation and other sources;
- Senminars for GO/NDC staff in relation to emerging findings;
- Making sense for Partnerships of their survey and admin data.
For further details or to make suggestions for events or activities see contact details below.
Region East Midlands Organisation CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University Unit 10 Science Park Howard Street Sheffield S1 1WB Contact Sarah Pearson s.pearson@shu.ac.uk 0114 225 4902 |
Region North East Organisation CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University Unit 10 Science Park Howard Street Sheffield S1 1WB Contact Paul Lawless p.lawless@shu.ac.uk 0114 225 3529 |
Region Yorkshire and the Humber Organisation CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University Unit 10 Science Park Howard Street Sheffield S1 1WB Contact Peter Wells p.wells@shu.ac.uk 0114 225 4522 |
Region North West Organisation European Institute for Urban Affairs Liverpool John Moores University 51 Rodney Street Liverpool L1 9AT Contact Hilary Russell h.e.russell@livjm.ac.uk 0151 2315157 |
Region West Midlands and the South West Organisation Local Government Centre Warwick Business School University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL Contact Mike Geddes M.N.Geddes@warwick.ac.uk |
Region London Organisation GFA Ltd 45 Merchants House Collington Street, Greenwich London SE10 9LX Contact Geoff Fordham geoff.fordham@gfa.co.uk 020 88588688 |
Region South East and Eastern Organisation SQW Ltd 52/53 Russell Square London WC1B 4HP Contact Scott Dickinson sdickinson@sqw.co.uk |